Beth Korolevich Beth Korolevich

Getting to the Heart of Valentine’s Day

As with most of the Christian-based holidays, Valentine's Day was created to give pagans an alternative celebration, to lure them to abandon their traditions and gods, in favor of Christian-appropriate celebrations.

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Beth Korolevich Beth Korolevich

Your Part in Working with Deities

Whether you call them deities, entities or demons, the main thing they have in common is they're not simply wish-granters. When you petition a deity to help you with an issue, there are things you're expected to do - and it's not just providing offerings. That is what is meant by “working with” a deity. So, what exactly is expected of you?

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Beth Korolevich Beth Korolevich

Keeping Your Practice Going

Summer plans and school-free days for the kids could mean that your spirituality has been side lined lately. If you're feeling a bit removed from your regular metaphysical practices, here are some ideas to get back in the swing of things!

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